LS13 Anthology and Upcoming Gigs
A quick update also that – GOOD NEWS – I’m going to be one of the poets featured in the LS13 Leeds Writers anthology, about which more...
LS13 Anthology and Upcoming Gigs
NaPoWriMo 30: Here, Roots Are Not Joined
NaPoWriMo 29: Excerpts from a Report on the New Poem Aquarium
NaPoWriMo 26: Stories and/or Plans and/or Ideas
NaPoWriMo 20: Rising Suns
NaPoWriMo 18: Me or Him, Even
NaPoWriMo 17: Google Search Suggestions on the Day of Thatcher’s Funeral
NaPoWriMo 15: Transaction on a Spring Day – A Pantum
NaPoWriMo 12: Want/Need
NaPoWriMo 9: “I’m the plot, babe, and don’t you forget it”
NaPoWriMo 2: Lies, All Lies
NaPoWriMo High-Speed Catch-Up
Little Shadows
Advice for the Artist When Depicting a Lady-Scientist or, Unbecoming
The Vermin Cycle: Adventures in Self-Publishing