Your orders…
Friday’s NaPoWriMo prompt was to write something using anaphora, a way of repeating the same phrase in a poem to explore and expand the different ways it might be read – and of course adding a pleasing repetition and musicality to a piece. There was an excellent article from the Poetry Foundation, which you can read here.
One way of using anaphora in a technological way is Google Search Suggestion poetry, which I did a bit of last year – in this post.
This time I employed some popular phrases from online shopping and had a play with those, as the phrase for each stanza (‘Because you bought…’, ‘Your account’, ‘Sell an item’ and ‘Your orders’):
Because you bought the very latest heavily-branded carbon-fibre
Because you bought the memory of the juddering of someone
else’s skiing holiday.
Because you bought a new set of plusfour pores through which the second prototype
of the old you can breathe.
Because you bought into the blimp, you’re going to need
to hold on.
Your account will never be suspended or disturbed, it will grow
verdant and ancient.
Your account is embossed onto the roof
of your mouth.
Your account could become diamond, platinum
or coal.
Sell an item of light to the nearest
available star.
Sell an item before it takes insurance
out on you.
Your orders expand with each nanosecond, in the faltering sirens.
Your orders are to the primary addressee on your account.
Your orders are straightforward.
Your orders remain.