Here is a collected list poem or “spell” from students’ work today – coming up with new collective nouns for (Latin-name) species of British bee (which we spoke about as spells, like in Harry Potter…).
It has been an exhausting, but seemingly quite successful, day of workshops and waggle dances!
Hopefully the Buzz Words over the summer will get better and better.
And here is a ‘tweaked’ version of the poem, with a little stanza at the end to seal the spell…
The Bee-Spell of Shakespeare Primary
Oh River of Anthidium manicatum.
Oh Ruby of Andrena agilissima.
Oh Christmas of Bombus ruderarius.
Oh Cheesy Sweet of Osmia bicolor.
Oh Alien Grass of Bombus bohemicus.
Oh Seasoning of Hoplitis spinulosa.
Oh Rainbow Sea-Creature of Bombus lapidarius.
Oh Circle-Bubblegum of Lasioglossum malachurum.
Oh Salad of Apis mellifera.
Oh Heaven of Xylocopa violacea…
May you find sanctuary in our naming,
This Latin spell grant peaceful lives:
A flawless, diamond song exclaiming
From every burrow, every hive.
by The Students of Shakespeare Primary School
(with Caleb Parkin)