Fortunately, the wheelie bin I saw on the move this morning off Briggate was not air-borne (just ground-borne – can something be ‘ground-borne’? I suppose earthworms and moles are…)
Hello NaPoWriMo-ers!
I’m looking forward to trying the prompt later and gobbledegook-ing some poetry not-in-translation…
But a silly moment produced a silly poem this morning, so here it is:
Emancipation on Briggate
or, The Wind Creates a Performance Action around the Theme of Waste
In a narrow shopping alley, I witnessed earlier today
A brave wee wheelie-bin, just scampering away:
Quoth the receptacle, gambolling across the floor,
“I shall be free of your rubbish forevermore!”
(But alas, just moments later, an overall ensnared the bin.
The moral: nevermore waste a second of freedom – ever, ever again.)