A lovely iridescent bubble
Yesterday’s NaPoWriMo prompt was to write about a colour. So – as it’s nearing the end of the month and I (as I’m sure many others participating in NaPoWriMo!) am lacking a bit of original chutzpah, I ‘outsourced’ some of the legwork…
This morning, I asked (via Facebook) what my friends’ favourite colour was and why. Then this evening, once some fine folk had commented, I used the colours and imagery they provided to write a poem: to ‘paint’ each stanza using their colour and some of the images they offered, so it reads a bit like a paint-chart of pictures.
Thanks to those who commented and I hope you like what I’ve painted with your colours 🙂
Painting Friends’ Palettes
or, Imagine These Colours
Since shiny is your favourite distraction, imagine:
a peacock waltzes with a mackerel
whirling in a beetle-shell ship
within a bubble made of
iridescent micro-chips.
Then, a silvery-grey wish:
a graphite bike-chain of granite
powers a sleek silverfish
made of satin, its eyes
burnished baubles
of copper.
See the bright spring green
of the grass of the garden
at work. Passionate petrichor*
of plant’s breath. What eyes are for.
The opposite of death. The endless
easy elegant obviousness
of each leaf.
In a home by the
duck-egg Dorset sea,
the colours of raw plaster
ripple intently across rooms;
their walls flowing gently
into the shapes and shades
of the waves.
And turquoise bright writes
in summer seas and skies,
where a deep purple kite flies
in your spirit, tethers you
with a line of light
from the eyes.
*’petrichor’ is an old/disused word for “The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell.” I like to think of it as the plants breathing a sigh of relief…